Stay on top of routine work with recurring tasks to automate workflows and save time.
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Set tasks to recur by time or event.
Schedule a task to recur at any frequency, such as daily or biweekly, or when its status changes. Quickly create recurrences by selecting dates on a calendar or simply typing a day, date, or time.
Decide how your tasks repeat.
Choose to create a new task for every reoccurrence, or use the same task with a new due date and status each time it recurs.
See your scheduled tasks at a glance.
Quickly review your schedule by choosing to show all task recurrences in Calendar view. Map out your week and easily reschedule your recurring tasks if needed.
Automate any routine with recurring tasks.
Set recurring tasks for weekly meetings and stand-ups.
How to set up:
Create a Weekly task that recurs On schedule. Use ClickUp's natural language processing to set a time by simply typing "9 AM Wednesdays."
Automate any routine with recurring tasks.
Create a new blank task every time I complete a freelancing task.
How to set up:
Create a Daily task that repeats When done. Select the options next to "Create new task" and unselect any fields that you don't want included in the new task.
Automate any routine with recurring tasks.
Restart a task to prepare a report on the last Friday of each month.
How to set up:
Create a Monthly task that recurs on the Last Friday of each month. Set the task to repeat On schedule, and unselect the Create new task option.
Automate any routine with recurring tasks.
Extend a task's due date by 3 days and change its status the next 3 times it's Closed.
How to set up:
Create a task with Days after... selected, and enter 3 in the day after completion box. Set the task to recur When closed, and uncheck the Create new task box. Uncheck the Recur forever box and set the task to repeat 3 times.
Automate with recurring tasks and save one day every week.